A day in the life of…

Dear Readers,

I just wanted to drop a quick note to say THANKS for all the likes, comments, shares and inspirational feedback. I have finally been motivated to complete the transition to WordPress.org and my blog has finally moved there as well.

What do you need to do? Nothing! You’ll receive subscriptions as usual and if you prefer to receive those my email, just use the subscribe feature on the blog page.

Thanks for all the support and don’t forget to check out the new look and let me know what you think!


One of my pet peeves is when I give someone a compliment and they immediately reject it by criticizing themselves.

I don’t see it as being humble or modest or any other word attributed to disliking praise. I just wish the person I complimented would take the compliment, feel better about themselves and walk away.

My second pet peeve is low self-esteem. Because I find this hard to relate to, I want to help those with low self-esteem find their worth.

Realize that even if you grew up around debbie downers and feel as if you don’t have any thing unique and talented to contribute to those who come into contact with you, you’re wrong.

We become more like the people and information we surround ourselves with. Although there is nothing that can be done about your childhood or who and what you were surrounded with, the beauty of growing up is that you are able to change all that. All it takes is determination and a strong will to begin that journey of forgiveness and understanding your worth. We all have something to give, we all have traits and personalities which set us apart, it’s not about the comparison game its about living each day to the best of your abilities because NO ONE can give to the world what you can.

Today’ prompt struck a chord inside me:

What is your USP Unique Special Proposition that sets you apart from the crowd?

Who am I?

I’m hardcore because I believe if you put your mind to it and work hard enough, you can do anything.

I’m am against traditional norms and social status because I believe we were created unique for a reason and there is no need to try to clone yourself to society. There are too many naysayers in the world and the best way to prove them wrong is to take the road less traveled and show them with your success.

I am emphatic, everyone starts at a different level in reaching their goals and no two journeys are the same. This is why I love to hear stories from others.

I don’t believe in impossibilities. We’ve seen abstract ideas become possibilities and vague concepts turned into reality. All it takes is the right mindset.

Today’s challenge is to fill in the blanks of the sentence below:

I am unique and different because I provide _______ which no one else in my field provides. No one else can or will provide this because ______.

What helps you stop the cycle of self-doubt and take steps to achieving your goals?

30 day challenge

Welcome to Day 11 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge!

This challenge has been an excellent experience so far, I’m learning, actively growing and able to expand my knowledge. Now to get down to the nitty gritty:

Which business model is best for you and what one revenue stream is most feasible?

Yesterday I discussed my two key options for streams of revenue. Today I’m narrowing it down to just one and explaining why. As Natalie discusses in today’s post the two most viable business options are selling yourself vs. selling others. I know that sometimes I tend to sell myself short and not highlight my skills as effectively as I could. However selling myself and my expertise is certainly something I can stand behind and as projects and clients come into place, I’ll have a clear idea of how effectively I’ll be able to promote the project based on my skill set.

That behind said the one revenue stream which will work best for my business model is active. Why? The hands on approach of interacting with others through coaching, trainings, seminars or one-on-one sessions will work great with my personality. As a extrovert I get most of my energy from being around others and working closely with them to ensure success.  I recently took a work compatibility test and received my strengths card via Good.co

Good.Co Strengths Card

Taking the test and reading through my score was an excellent way to put business and my work ethic into perspective. It helped me identify the places where I can increase my skills and take a look at the places where my personality type could pull me off track.

What are you strengths which work best with your business model?

30 day challenge

A great point Natalie brings out in her video “3 Main Ways to Make Money Online” is that a location independent entrepreneur should have several sources of revenue. Today’s prompt is:

What are the key ways in which you want to make money online in your chosen business OR Which are the key online revenue streams you want to focus on in your existing business?

This video was a great eye opener for me. As a freelancer most of my work is actionable, which means I have to be hands on and completely focused on a project for the 3-4 hours I freelance every day. Now this does not exactly provide me with the means to hit the road, travel to exotic locations and not have to worry about streams of income going up or down. However as a past musician and current author I completely understand the benefits of royalties.

I remember the months spent songwriting and jamming with the band, pulling together the perfect combination of music and lyrics. Once recorded we were able to sit back, slap hi-fives and begin the process of marketing and promotion. Even now years later I still hear from old fans reminiscing about the days of the band. Will be the band ever get back together? Who knows, but the album is still for sale and can be downloaded via any digital distribution source which is a plus.

Book publishing works the same way and ideally I would like to complete my five novel fantasy series. They will most likely be published under a pen name which will include initials, since those kinds of authors tend to do well. I mean look at J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, J.K. Rowling and George R.R. Martin. Sign me up!

I love being hands on, I enjoy working with clients and spending time putting together a strategic plan for a project. I love social media and networking, meeting other like-minded individuals and having the opportunity to inspire and encourage. I’m all about that! The key revenue streams I would like to focus on are:

  1. Find a way to have a constant stream of income while doing all the hard work up front and reaping the benefits later.
  2. Work hands on with clients whether it’s social media marketing, training, coaching or freelance writing.

What are the top ways you’d like to see revenue come in?

30 day challenge

After a 24 hour writing break (I know, who needs to take a break from writing? Right?) I’m back to continue on with the 30 Day Blog Challenge. Writing has been easier during the past 7 days and today’s prompt is:

Whose online business do you admire most and why?

Obviously The Suitcase Entrepreneur who went from working a 9-5 job to traveling the world while building her business and encouraging others to follow her path.

Laura Kessler – A Music Business professional who also has a virtual business. She provides coaching, vocal performance, consulting, executive communication and more. The first time I talked with her I was impressed with how knowledgeable and personable she is. Our first conversation lasted over an hour and even thought we were working on the same project I walked away uplifted and encourage to promote my virtual business.

Seth Godin – I was first introduced to Seth Godin’s books, namely, Linchpin: Are you Indispensable? which I wrote about in a previous post. Seeking to create change and go against the norms, one always runs into people who tell you point blank “You’re wrong, the system is the system for a reason, because it works!” Reading Seth Godin’s books opened my eyes to the fact that even though there are accepted norms on society, we can create new norms by being unique.

start something

There are many more people and businesses who motivate me to press on. I like to call them the invisible cheerleaders because although they don’t know it, they have encouraged me to live life to the fullest and broaden my impact on others.

One of the reason I’m driven to succeed is because I was born a middle child. You know what they say about middle children, statistically they are often overlooked and feel left it. It wasn’t that I felt under-appreciated growing it, it was just that I was always part of the crowd, and with four lovely sisters it was hard to stand out.

Breaking out of that crowd and going off to do my own thing made me realize that although it is fantastic to belong somewhere, it is much more rewarding to strike out on your own and create success from those ventures. There are many sources of inspiration along the way.

Who or what inspired you to take your unique path in life?

30 day challenge

You have trained long and hard, and there’s no way you’re not making it to the finish line. Years of hard work and training are not about to go in vain. You cross the finish line and the crowd goes wild, cheering for your great accomplishment. The greatest joy you feel is from within. Why? You set out to do something you’d never done before, you took a chance, gave it all you had and finished strong. That great sense of accomplishment comes because you finished what you started. You went for the challenge and made it happen.

That, my friends, is exactly how I will feel when I complete The Suitcase Entrepreneur 30 Day Blog Challenge. And guess what it’s not too late to join. Challenge yourself!

Today’s prompt is:

Which key tools will you turn to regularly to maintain your mindset and how will you use them effectively?

I am a highly motivated individual already, but that doesn’t mean I don’t need external motivators. Here are the top ways I maintain my mindset.

20130812-123011.jpgEvery morning my alarm clock goes off with a reminder to workout, something that reminds me why I even made that commitment in the first place. Right now my alarm notification reads “Time to Run” since I’m training for a half-marathon and it’s also a song I love by Lord Huron.

When it’s time to head out the door to work I have another push notification scheduled, this one is just a reminder “Your attitude shapes your day. You’ve got this!”

I follow inspirational boards on Pinterest and check-in ever so often to find a beautiful quote of the day.

I read success stories of others who have been when I have been and want to go where I want to go (like The Suitcase Entrepreneur)!

I push myself a bit more each day to move forward and do what I have never done before. After all when I up the stakes and beat it, it’s winning my own game. And let me tell you, I like to win!

How do you stay motivated daily?

30 day challenge

I am constantly amazed and inspired by stories of people just like you and me who take the initiative to change their lives and follow their dreams. Day 6 of the Suitcase Entrepreneur 30 Day Blog Challenge focuses on case studies of those who transitioned to living life on their own terms. I encourage you to read more and if you haven’t joined the challenge already it’s not too late! Today’s writing prompt is:

What are my three priorities for the next 30 days that will move me closer towards living life on my own terms?

  1. Get to work! I would like my business to be solely online, a virtual resource accessible to anyone,Take Ownership anywhere. That being said over the next 30 days I need to work on writing a business plan, identifying the services I want to focus on and completing my website. I must admit I’ve struggled a bit with what services I would like to offer. Obviously I love social media marketing and defining a plan for content marketing. My strengths lie in planning and time-management, however I want to pass on what I have learned and empower my clients to reach their goals.
  2. Challenge myself! I think my biggest competition is myself and through the 30 Day Blog Challenge I have set a goal to write every single day for 30 days. This is a huge goal for me because when I first started my blog I did not have a focus, I wrote every month or so and this year I made a resolution to blog more. (It’s working!) I’m also challenging myself to run a half-marathon before the end of the year since fitness energizes me and helps me stay motivated. I’m not a runner by any means but I think discipline and training will help in other areas of life.
  3. Test it out! What I need to do next is plan an international trip, it’s time to go, my traveling feet are itching and I’m ready to explore. I’m working towards spending two weeks in New Zealand in Winter 2014, hoping from spot to stop every couple of days, meeting new friends and enjoying an indescribable experience. I plan to blog often and keep my virtual business with me along the way.
    Writing these priorities out and sharing them makes my goals a reality. Now that I’ve shared with the world now I have to focus on these dreams and make them a reality.

What are 3 priorities you need to make a reality? Share in the comments below or if you end up blogging leaving a link!

30 day challenge

Awake to the sound of streaming music gradually growing louder, a faint warning quickly growing into a siren.

It’s go time! I roll out of bed to hastily brush my teeth and pull on shorts, a t-shirt and running shoes. Yesterday was high-intensity training; today it’s back to hitting the pavement. Ear buds in I take a two mile run through the neighborhood, watching the pink tones of sky change to blue and the world slowly begin to awake, become alive. The beat of hit-hop music keeps me on pace and the wind beneath my feet makes me feel closer to nature, much closer to being alive, being myself.

My perfect days are imbued with the sound of music.

A hot cup of coffee flavored with white chocolate mocha is next up as I start my day on my balcony with a view of the ocean. I love great bodies of water because everything feels bigger near water as it goes in and out. A single drop in the ocean has an incredible story and limitless possibilities for exploration. Seeing water makes me feel the same way, as if I’m just a drop of water in the ocean with unfulfilled possibilities.

A single drop in the ocean has an incredible story and limitless possibilities for exploration.

My mornings are time for productivity. Even though I’m a night owl I prefer to get most of the work out of the way before heading out for the rest of the afternoon/evening. My focus is on technology and inbound marketing, however I also spend time working on the last installment of my best selling fantasy book series.

Afternoons are when I have time to go on an adventure and expand my knowledge of the country I’m temporarily staying in. My evenings are the best times, full of energy, friends, people and events. It’s life and the best life is lived surrounded by those you love and meeting others who will become important in your life.

A perfect day is not filled with things or places, however it is full of feelings, experiences and opportunities. There are many moments in life which I attribute to being perfect, and those moments added up are the sum of a perfect day.

I have perfect moments each and every day and most of those moments are because of the attitude I have adapted in life.

I strongly believe that you do not have to become what others expect you to become, and if negative pressure continues to confuse you and pull you down, it’s time to sever those connections. I believe going against the grain should be the new normal and staying true to who you are is more important than answering to a call outside of yourself which will never make you happy. Stay true to your heart and enjoy those perfect moments, whether it is a whole day or 30 minutes when you wake up and realize life is truly worth living.

30 day challenge

One of the reasons I joined the 30 Day Blog Challenge was to allow myself to write, every single day, for 30 days. They say practice makes perfect and since writing is an art, it’s something I’d like to be much better at. After all, my dream to become a best selling author is not dead yet!

It’s Day 4 and today’s prompt is:

What is your definition of location independence?

I think many of us spend our lives tied to things, whether it is rent, mortgage, a car payment, student loans, etc. they tend to keep us rooted to the spot. Staying in one place is not a bad thing at all, as a matter of fact I find myself quite comfortable living in downtown Nashville. However I do believe that if those financial boundaries were removed I would feel freer in life and not as hesitant to travel.

Last year my New Year’s Resolution was to travel more, a goal I successfully achieved spending time on both the west and east coasts of the United States enjoying the drastic climates and the beautiful of nature. Below is a picture of the coast of San Diego (taken with my iPhone!):

La Jolla Beach

Being location independent means I’ll be able to set up office close to these majestic waves and watch the sunset as I write a project proposal.

Being location independent means I won’t have to worry about affording a roof over my head, but I will enjoy the challenge of finding a place to stay every night. (Again check out Airbnb.com)

Being location independent means I’ll get to stray even further from the typical lifestyle and define my own American dream.

Being location independent means I’ll probably have enough adventures to write a whole novel which I’m sure you’d like to read!

How do you define independence?

30 day challenge

Hello Bloggers, Readers, Entrepreneurs and Inspiration Searchers! Today’s topic is business and travel:

What’s your definition of freedom in business and adventure in life?

When I was traveling the coast of Ireland I wanted to do nothing more than set up a desk on the side of the road, pull out my laptop and write for days on end. The beauty of nature inspires me to write, create and bring new ideas into action. It can be hard being creative with the same old day in, day out schedule, and traveling certainly forces me to be more creative, think outside the box and provide solutions for unique problems.Travel

I think we were all born with a desire to acquire knowledge and learn new things. Each and every one of us is up for a challenge whether it means getting active in your immediate community or exploring foreign countries for months at a time. I think the more we learn the more we will be able to define freedom in business. For me freedom in business means not having to worry about losing income because I decided to spend a month in Italy or take a random trip to the mountains to work with a different view. Adventure in life means I’ll finally be able to stay in a treehouse in a volcano (no seriously, check it out!) and tackle other places on my Airbnb wish list.

When I think of taking business on the road I know I have to plan, prepare and stay organized. Sometimes it’s just too easy to play all day and let productivity go out the window. It takes disciple, independence and determination, something I’m still working on. The comfort of working for 8-5 if the consistent income and awards for stepping it up every year. When I went from working for a large corporation to small business many naysayers told me “It’s a huge risk working in a small business.” Well, I must admit, I’m a bit of a risk taker and it generally pays off.

What risks will you take to find freedom in business and adventure in life?

30 day challenge

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